Company Development
- 1933
- Sentaro Miyawaki establishes Miyawaki Shoten machinists’ tools in Nishi-ku, Osaka.
- 1935
- mark valve released
- 1936
- TOKAI mark valve released
- 1949
- Miyawaki Model F duplex steam trap using patented pressure differential technology released
- 1950
- Model R steam trap released
- 1951
- Model RH-8 high pressure steam trap released
- 1953
- MIYAWAKI Steam Trap Manufacturing Co., Ltd. established
Head office/factory relocated to Itachibori, Nishi-ku, Osaka
- 1955
- Tokyo sales office and Nagoya sales office established
Model A drain trap for air released
- 1957
- Head office/factory relocated to Chiyozakicho, Nishi-ku, Osaka
Model S disc steam trap released
- 1958
- Miyawaki Seiki Kogyo Co., Ltd. established
- 1960
- Model VT Condensate recovery trap for air released
- 1962
- Model B bimetal steam trap based on technology provided by Dr. Domnick & K. Schroeder from West Germany released
- 1965
- Model C high-temperature high-pressure pop bimetallic steam trap released
(original incarnation of the temperature control trap)
- 1967
- Model SV bypass valve and unit exchange disk steam trap for air released
- 1968
- Model G ball float steam trap released
- 1969
- Head office/factory relocated to Tagawakita, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka (current location)
Drain trap for nuclear power plant first shipment
Model ER inverted bucket steam trap released
- 1970
- TB15 temperature control trap released
- 1972
- L15 Lifting trap for condensate recovery released
- 1973
- TB2 energy-saving temperature control trap released
G200 Ball float type air gas trap released
- 1976
- The company’s first president, Sentaro Miyawaki, passes away
Tadasuke Miyawaki appointed president
S30 disc steam trap released
- 1977
- ES8 inverted bucket steam trap released
AE air trap released
SV1 steam trap and small bypass valve released
AV1 air trap and small bypass valve released
TB10 Temperature Control Steam Trap released
BNF Anti Freeze Valves released released
- 1979
- ESH8 Inverted Bucket Steam Traps released
"Super Trace TB1N" Temperature Control Steam Trap released
- 1980
- ER25 high pressure steam trap released
G3, G5 uni float steam trap released
- 1981
- ES10, ES12, ER105 Inverted Bucket Steam Traps released
Model W radiator trap released
SL steam trap for steam iron released
TS1 sight checker released
Q-up jacket Thermal Insulation Cover released
- 1982
- Steam trap technology transfer to BVMI (UK)
ER120 ES5 Inverted Bucket Steam Traps released
RE1 direct drive pressure reducing valve for steam released
W2, W3 Thermoelement Steam Traps released
STC-011 steam trap diagnostic device released
- 1983
- AE5 air trap released
- 1984
- Sales partnership concluded with ITT (USA), Miyawaki expands into the American market
- 1986
- CI introduced, and company name changed to Miyawaki Inc.
S31 disc steam trap released
S61,S62 disc steam trap with automatic blow-off mechanism for high temperature and high pressure released
RE10 compact, lightweight micro bellows pilot operated pressure reducing valve released
TB3/TB5 temperature control traps released
- 1987
- RE3 ultra-compact, lightweight micro bellows pilot operated pressure reducing valve released
TB51/TB52 high-pressure temperature control traps released
- 1988
- Tetsuo Kambe appointed president
H3 separator for steam released
- 1989
- G11/G12 ball float steam traps released
AG11/AG12 air traps released
TB8/TB8B temperature control traps released
TR1 temperature sensitive valve released (uses a shape-memory alloy)
MX1 Steam - Water Mixing Valve released
- 1990
- S51N disc steam trap released
F1 anti freeze valve released
G15 ball float steam trap released
- 1991
- Miyawaki GmbH subsidiary established in Berlin, Germany
MS1 high temperature shut off system released
- 1992
- CV10 water hammer prevention valve released
CV2 inline check valve released
Faucon steam-based instant water heater released
- 1993
- ISO9002 certification acquired (head office/factory)
- 1994
- RE2 direct drive pressure reducing valve for steam released
- 1996
- PM10 portable machine checker released
- 1999
- DF1 diaphragm steam trap released
- 2001
- ISO14001 certification acquired (head office/factory)
Dr. Trap PM301 steam trap management system released
HD self-powered steam-based instant water heater released
- 2003
- ISO9001 certification acquired (head office/factory)
Dr. Trap Jr. PM15 steam trap management system released
- 2004
- QuickHot LM15 Steam-based Instant Water Heater released
- 2005
- CX1 check valve released
REC1 direct acting pressure reducing valves for steam released
T3 sight glass released
TB7 temperature control trap released
SC31 disc steam trap released
DV1 diaphragm steam trap with bypass valve released
- 2006
- TBC2 temperature control trap released
- 2007
- TB9 temperature control trap released
QuickHot LM15-II/LH15 steam-based instant water heaters released
- 2008
- GC20 ball float steam trap released
CV2C check valve released
- 2009
- Kensuke Miyawaki appointed president
GLP31 pumping trap released
GH50 ball float steam trap released
GTH12 ball float steam trap released
CV5R soft sealing check valve released
- 2010
- GH40 ball float steam trap released
- 2011
- S55H disc steam trap released
S55N disc steam trap released
AGH12 ball float air (gas) trap released
- 2012
- AT9N air vent released
- 2013
- Wuxi office established in China’s Jiangsu Province
CVC3 check valve released
AGH50 ball float air (gas) trap released
- 2014
- TBH high-pressure temperature control trap released
GL11 pumping trap released
DC2R for sterilizers released
- 2015
- LM15-Ⅲ steam-based instant water heater released
- 2016
- CVU15 vacuum breaker released
GLP81 pumping trap released
- 2017
- G20N and G21N-F ball float steam traps released
- 2018
- Chinese subsidiary China Miyawaki (Miyawaki West Co., Ltd.) established in Wuxi, China
(WEST stands for Wuxi Energy Saving Technology)
GL81 pumping trap released
CVC3 (32A) check valve released
- 2019
- Faucon HF25 steam-based instant water heater
TB7N-SR and TB9N-SR temperature control traps with scale removal mechanism released
TBU4 series of temperature control traps with scale removal mechanism released
- 2020
- LH15-Ⅱ、LM15-Ⅳ steam-based instant water heater released(passes the test of effect to water quality that meet JIS)
Q-Plus Jacket Thermal Insulation Cover released
- 2021
- G30 ball float steam traps released
GTH10 ball float steam traps (for high temperature and high pressure, PMA 16,0 MPa) released
- 2023
- GWH70 ball float steam traps released
Manifold series released
- 1950
- Received the Osaka Award for Excellence in Invention
- 1953
- Received Osaka Prefectural Governor’s Award for Success in Invention
- 1955
- Received the Award for Excellence from the Japan Institute for Promoting Invention and Innovation
- 1960
- Sentaro Miyawaki awarded the Medal of Honor with Purple Ribbon
- 1975
- Received the CP Idea Award at the Chemical Plant Show (TB temperature control trap)
- 1977
- Received the Award for Excellence in Energy Saving at the Energy Saving Exhibition (TB temperature control trap)
- 1978
- Received the Award for Excellence in Energy Saving at the Energy Saving Exhibition (ES inverted bucket steam trap)
- 1980
- Received the Award for Excellence in Energy Saving at the Energy Saving Exhibition (ER inverted bucket steam trap)
- 1981
- Received the Japan Machinery Federation’s Energy-Efficient Machinery Award for 1980 (TB10/11 temperature control traps)
- 1981
- Received the Award for Excellence in Energy Saving at the Energy Saving Exhibition (TB1 temperature control trap)
- 1984
- Received the Award for Excellence in Energy Saving at the Energy Saving Exhibition (STC-011 steam trap diagnostic device)
- 1987
- Received the Award for Excellence in Energy Saving at the Energy Saving Exhibition
(RE10 micro bellows pilot operated pressure reducing valve)
- 1988
- Received the Japan Machinery Federation’s Energy-Efficient Machinery Award for 1987
(RE3 ultra-compact, lightweight micro bellows pilot operated pressure reducing valve)
- 1990
- Received the Award for Excellence in Energy Saving at the Energy Saving Exhibition (TR1 temperature sensitive trap)
- 1991
- Received the Award for Excellence in Energy Saving at the Energy Saving Exhibition (MX1 mixing valve)
- 1992
- Received the Award for Excellence in Energy Saving at the Energy Saving Exhibition (CV10 water hammer prevention valve)
- 1993
- Received the Award for Excellence in Energy Saving at ENEX’93 (Faucon steam-based instant water heater)
- 1994
- Received the Award for Excellence in Energy Saving at ENEX’94 (BIS1 trap with built-in bypass circuit)
- 2002
- Received the Japan Machinery Federation President's Award for Energy-Efficient Machinery in 2001
(Dr. Trap PM301 steam trap management system)
- 2024
- Received Japan Association for the Promotion of Invention Chairman's Award of 49th Grand Prize for Invention
(TB-SR series temperature control steam trap)